Euro 2002 Gliding Expedition

Sunday 30th June 2002: A day spent flying at Mollis


Mollis airfield is situated just north of Glarus, the town in the bottom left of the picture.

Adrian, our expedition photographer, explains to Andrew how the professionals do it.

The Matsdock, situated to the North of Mollis, usually provides the first usable thermals of the day with its' SE facing bowls.

Soon after take-off the picturesque lake known as Wallensee comes into view.

YM on final approach to Mollis, dwarfed by the massive Mt. Glarnisch (9560')


Concentration from Pete as he carefully tows one of the gliders over Weesen at the West end of Wallensee.









Mollis, Switzerland

We take stock at Mollis (1400’asl) a military airfield nestling in a deep valley and dwarfed at both ends by brooding mountains. After the long journey we elect to fly on the local slopes close to the Wallensee, a lake at the northern end of the valley and most of the group experience their first close encounters with the rock faces and wooded slopes nearby with YM utilised to the full. Cloudbase remains stubbornly low,with hazy conditions, giving no real opportunity to explore further afield.
