Euro 2000 Gliding Expedition

Spanish Gallery


Ontur town and Airfield



13 over Ontur airfield

Duo soaring near Ontur!


Evening at Ontur


13 over Ontur

Wave at Ontur

Look at those numbers!

Over the Boonies

The cloud that appeared at 14000'+ on the 28th July

The Sierra Nevada are just visible in the distance from our lofty 13000'

Duo near Valdepenas

13 Enroute to Calamocha


Calamocha Airfield

Duo approaching Calamocha, 13 has already landed

YM arrives from Zaragosa and completes the team

Tom B and Roger after their flights from Ontur to Calamocha

Pyrenees looking North from 39,000'

13 Soaring near Monflorite with the high Pyrenees behind.

Ridge at Monflorite

Duo parked at Monflorite

Planning the Pyrenees flight at Monflorite

ASH approaching Sierra de Cadi, West of Cerdanya

The Cerdanya Valley looking South from 41,000'

CB's erupting South of Cerdanya.

Cri Cri at Cerdanya

Where has the pilot gone? (at 11700')

13 and Duo over the Sierra de Cadi, West of Cerdanya.
